Tuesday, February 15, 2005


I love shopping, like many other women, and men as well. Am I addicted? I dunno. Maybe. Let's see.

I am always browsing online at all the sites I have conveniently bookmarked.

I'll buy clothes when I don't really need them, or if I already have the item in a different color.

I have been known to hide clothes sometimes.

I maxed out my granny's credit card in high school.

I'll find clothes with tags on them in the back of my closet.

I like shopping alone, and sometimes when I'm sad it makes me feel better.

I used to name my tshirts...
Damn, I forgot about that last one.. this isn't looking good....

So, yea, my name is Shatira and I am obsessed with shopping. I love hot shoes, nice jackets, and tight jeans. Give me a cute poncho, or a tshirt with a cute saying on it and I am happy. Don't get me started in Victoria's Secret. My favorite clothing purchase was when I hired this seamstress to make my gorgeous prom dress. I loved going into the store and feeling different fabrics and seeing all the pretty colors.

Shoes are the new thing with me. I love funky shoes, that most people might not be feeling. I love tall heels, and bright colored pumps. In the summer it's flip-flops and mesh tennis shoes.

But see the thing is, I have it all under control.

I only buy things on sale, and I shop outlets, and I love coupons. Half price sales are my best friends. I dont just buy for myself, I buy for my sisters as well. Sometimes I buy things to treat myself, like if I had a hard week, or if I got a good grade.

I just like clothes. And it's not like I am all into couture or high price things. Like I said, I shop cheap, but quality. Old Navy, Gap, NY & Co....I'm not fancy, and the only reason I bought the mink vest was because it was on sale. And most of the tshirts I got from Old Navy were on sale for $1.97..who could pass that up? I hit the thrift store because I have found a few gems there.

I've seen clothing that was a bit pricey for me, so I've gone home and recreated it myself. I am not a fashion designer nor a seamtress, but I know a thing or two.

Then, for all the shopping I do, I feel like somehow it balances out in the universe. I try to go through my closets every few months or so. Things I am no longer wearing I donate to either Salvation Army, Purple Heart Veterans Association, or the Federation of the Blind. Also I give my sister and my cousins clothes all the time as well.

So shopping is a habit I have, and I could stop any time I want. Up until a couple of years ago, I worked since I was around thirteen years old. That was the last time my mother ever bought clothes for me. I have take care of my school clothes, formal dresses, etc. I think I have a lot of stress on me so this is my one release...let a sista have something, ok?

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