Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I missed about a week, due to a combination of vacation, work, family stuff etc. But I like what I produced, and I will continue to post my poetry here.

Main things I learned:

  • I write better out of my house. Thus, I shall make more trips to the library, coffeehouses, and weather permitting- the park. I'm in the library as I type.
  • I LOVE haiku. I used to think of them as poetic cop outs, but now I find it absolutely awesome that I can express full thoughts, feelings, etc in 17 syllables. How dope is that?
  • Writing is my passion, and I NEED to make it more of a priority. I make time to go out on the weekends, to shop, and all the other things I want to do, and I act like writing will just be there. Then I sit down and forget that great idea. That needs to change.
  • It's not too late to make writing a career. I received an email about people who were late bloomer yet very successful in their lives, and I was encouraged.

So thought my fast is broken, my spirit is renewed, and that was the point of the whole thing anyhow.

1 comment:

Don said...

I hope it's not too late to make a writing career, seeing as how it's almost a great passion of mines as well.