For as long as I can recall, I've been dreaming in color. Vividly. All sorts of images, people, places, and situations have entertained me in my slumber. Food, sex, sorrow, and family are popular dream themes with me.
I had a dream the other night that I was jumping. Higher and higher, for what I can't recall, but I tried to evaluate the symbolism in the dream, as I do with all the dreams I have that don't really make sense. I'm thinking it has something to do with me trying to accomplish my goals. Maybe graduating, I'm so so close right now, but sometimes it seems out of reach.
Where's my damn sitcom? I've been having visions for years. Raven owes me some money.There was a point in my life where I was afraid to go to sleep, because I didn't know what would be "revealed" to me. I've dreamed of people dying, myself dying, winning money, having babies, and all types of things. I dreamed about Peter Jennings dying months ago.
The insomnia started years ago. I'd stay up all night hiding from my dreams, because I didn't want this, whatever it was. Once I told my mother, she told me other people in my family have dealt with this, and it's more of a gift than a curse. But do you know how scary it is to have a dead relative come to you in a dream and speak to you? I do. A few years ago, my grandfather came to me and told me that my mother was going to really need me for a while. Sure enough, he was right, and I was terrified.
I've been told that dreams of predictive nature are messages from God. I've used them to prepare people. I like to believe that some of my dreams are messages from God, he's trying to tell me something or giving me some sort of information that I may need. When I'm sleeping, I'm still, and available to receive.
I swear I'm not nuts.
I'm not psychic, not clairvoyant, nor will I ever claim to be. You won't catch me reading tarot cards or gazing into crystal balls.
It can't just be me, someone else has to be dreaming like this.
If I sleep with music playing, the music it's often incorporated into the dream, or if the tv is on, I dream about being in the sitcom or a part of the tragedy on the news. I think that's common.
One time my sister asked me what I dreamed and I made something up because I couldn't clearly recall the dream. I didn't have another dream for over a month, as if I was being punished.
I've had dreams where I've met up with people I've disliked, and I worked things out with them in the dream. I'd see them after the dream, and I'd be fine. . .no confrontation necessary.
I had a friend who came up from Pennsylvania and spent her summers with her grandma who lived across the street from me. I hadn't spoke to her in 3 years, but during that time I had dreamed she had 2 sons. Sure enough, the next time I seen her she had the very two sons I seen in my dream.
This is such a strange phenomenon about me. I don't talk about it much, but I wanted to blog about it because I figured by writing it out, reading it, and thinking about the words, maybe I could make some more sense of it. If you think I'm crazy you should meet my granny because she dreams the Pick 3 numbers at least once a month and wins up to a grand depending on how it comes out. . .lemme get some luck like that.
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