Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I'm Trippin' (Part Deux)

Song rolling around in my head: Here We Go Again, Trina ft. Kelly Rowland

*I am tripping on Pastor Mase's, no excuse me, Murda Mase's new song "Checks Clear". . .He's not serving God anymore, he's on G-g-g-g-Unit. I think that everyone has a special and unique relationship with God. This allows us to be the people we are destined to become. However, just a short while ago, Mase was walking around claiming to be devoted to spreading the gospel. He had the opportunity to reach out to people. His regression back to his old ways is probably all about ego. That Welcome Back album didn't sell like he wanted to do, so now he feels like he has something to prove. Whateva, Mason Betha. I'm not the only one trippin'. I damn near fell outta my chair when I heard this line in his song:
"Call Q, you know what to do, put Brandy on the phone, you know the hoe used to love me. . ."

*I'm trippin' on Trina's latest single, Here We Go Again. I've never really been a fan of her, yet oddly enough I've wound up with all her albums. I seen her on 106 and Park, promoting the video. I watched it and I wasn't really moved. Typical she-man man hating, don't need a man, kick em to the curb, etc. But I was walking home the other day and I was listening to the song closely and had a moment. A while back, I was that girl listening to the same bullshit over and over again. I was dealing with a dusty dude with an even dustier girl on him. I mean she was on him hard. Harder than I was trying to be. There was so much going on in that relationship that I couldn't see a way out. Like the song says, I wasn't trying to hear it anymore and I finally got fed up. I never thought a Trina song would affect me like this one did, so on that I am truly trippin'.

*I'm trippin' on how quickly the US went to Pakistan, but took so long to get into New Orleans. Think on that. . .AmeriKKKa at it's finest, y'all.

*I'm trippin' on the Japanese lady at the beauty supply store calling me homegirl. She don't know me like that.

*I'm trippin' on this gorgeous wooden bracelet I bought the other day for a dollar, and on the fact that I seen it on QVC for $20.

*I'm trippin' on the fact that I finished a 10 page paper at 5a.m. today. I have reached the pinnacle of my procrastinating and I am gonna put an end to it. . . tomorrow.

*I am trippin' on this lady at the grocery store yesterday:
Her (smelling like straight up liquor): Hey you usin' your food stamp care?

Me (Trying to be polite, because I was taught to respect my elders): No ma'am. I don't have one.

Her: Well, if I let you use mine, can I get the money from you? I'll give you a 2 dollar discount.

Me: No, that's alright. I'm using a bank card.

Her:Awww, c'mon, I need some money. . .

I was so outdone I left her standing there. If I'm out there like that when I get old, somebody please get me some help.

*I'm trippin' on the guy in a ski mask, a bad wig and a dress that approached my sister Free this morning at the bus stop. He told her some long story about how he didn't want his neighbors to know about his lifestyle, which was why he wore the mask. She was polite, and probably a little scared so she listened to his tale of conflicted identity, making her a better one that me. What I'm trippin on even more is the fact that the same guy used to approach my older sister and I when we were walking to junior high school over ten years ago. . .damn I'm getting old.

*Finally, I'm trippin on the last Zane book a read, her latest novel, Afterburn. I had sorta written her off, but something told me to give this book a try. Awesome read. I'm telling you. The end caught me off guard. I was finishing it up in my math class and me being the softie I am, the tears started rolling. . .

Oh wait a minute. . .

***It ain't over, to be continued.***

Friday, October 07, 2005

The Call. . .

"You think I'd leave your side baby, you know me better than that. . ." - Sade, By Your Side

I woke up in the mood to hear Sade. I looked outside, and the weather had drastically changed. I watched the news yesterday, so I knew it would, but for the forecast to come to fruition, I was a little crestfallen (Yea, I felt like using big words this morning too, fuck it). I always think weather like this is ominious.

So, it's almost 9 am, and I'm sitting here. Just being here. I got a strange phone message this morning. I mean it was filled with care, concern, and love, and I felt all of that, but it was still weird. Whenever you get those "if something should happen to me"- type speeches. The mind strays, and all the crazy shit that could ever happen dances in front of your eyes. It's not like this world is sweet and pure filled with genuine people with pure intentions. There may be some, but we live in a world full of terrorist, snipers, and coldhearted motherfuckers. Nothing could happen, but something could. So it got me to thinking. . .

What would I do without him in my life?

I'm feeling weird right now, like I'm typing but I don't know what's going to come next. I kinda like this feeling.

I have no idea where I'd be without your influence. My heart races when I think about you, and dammit you make my skin boil. I cherish the moments we spend together, and at the same time appreciate our space right now. I'm counting the days until we see one another again.

Don't ever scare me like that again.

Fuck the meantime, you're worth the wait.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I'm Trippin Part 1

I’m Trippin’. . . (Part 1)
Right now I’m trippin on a lot of things, some make sense and some don’t. If you can rationalize, feel free.

  • I’m trippin on the fact that someone came to class yesterday wearing the same perfume that I wear, (Body by Victoria) . . . but I’m trippin more on the fact that it was a guy.

  • I’m trippin on the fact that before my Creative Writing class, I had only seen the movie Slam once. It’s one of those flicks that make writers.

  • I’m trippin on how Pookie corrects me, and I don’t mind it at all. In fact, it’s kinda sexy and it keeps me on my toes.

  • I’m trippin on how it’s almost been three years, and it seems newer everyday.

  • Speaking of my toes, I’m really tripping on how I’ve been wearing my toes out all summer, and I used to have BAD issues with my feet.

  • I’m trippin on how ever since I got this new hairdo, the fellas have been checking for me harder than ever, and on the fact that it cost me $25 to do this style, and the shop was gonna charge me $150

  • I’m trippin on how my mother thinks that just because I’m her child she can scream on me. I give her the utmost respect, but sometimes she makes me want to step out of my walk. . .

  • -I’m trippin on how small Cleveland is. You can’t date or meet anyone who doesn’t know someone who knows you. Especially as far as the black community is concerned. I mean, you mention the general area where you were raised, like Kinsman, Wade Park, Miles, wherever, and someone can name a cousin, a classmate, or ex-boyfriend on the spot. I was talking to this guy the other day, and there was something so familiar about him that it was scary. After giving it some thought, I realized that he was friends with my first love. Before there was Facebook, Yahoo 360, or even Blackplanet, you could find lost relatives and friends in the streets. I just think it's crazy how small our black planet is. Six degrees of separation is dwindling down to 3 or 4. You know when you meet someone, after finding out where they're from, you ask if they know anyone you can think of from that area. And it's a trip how for the most part, they will know at least one person you know.

  • I’m trippin on how this was supposed to be a quick rant, but turned into something else. . .