Christmas was good. The same as every year. The sibs played with their toys all day, and I ate too much. I watched the Heat/Lakers game, and old Christmas episodes of 227 and The Simpsons. It was a good day.
My Cavs beat the Bulls tonight. . .yeeeeeeeea boy.
I'm not big on New Year's resolutions. People make them, and they are usually forgotten by the third week of January. I've done it before. I've made lists, long ones that seemed rational, but I could barely remember what was on them. I did keep my promise to workout. I'm more content with looking forward to the new year with a sense of optimism and just going from there.
I put aside my writing for a little bit. I had so much studying to do this semester, that my writing seemed like a chore. Anyone who writes with passion should understand how scary that is. My stories were becoming like chores so therefore, I haven't really written anything in about two months. I have so many ideas in my head now, so I guess I'll get on it soon.
I had this whole blog about people who lack tact, but I deleted it. I decided that I'm not really caring what people say to me, or how they say it. I want respect, but very little fazes me these days. I'm currently in a stage where I am listening to that little voice inside, and going with the gut, instincts and shit like that. I was all set to be pissed over some comments my ex who lives down the hall made about me, but then I decided that it really didn't matter. I could have told him about himself, but he knows he was wrong. I could have launched into a tirade about all the things wrong with him, but I wasn't on it. I wanna say that in 2006. . .I AIN'T ON IT!!! But hell, why wait?
I talked with one of my oldest friends a few days ago, and he tells me how he and another friend nicknamed me "Sweetface". He claims that when people first meet me, they think I'm young and naive. They think I'm too nice to let people know the deal, or too nice to see the truth. Maybe I won't mind this young face when I'm 40, provided that it's still here. So does this mean I need to toughen up? Nah, I'm pretty hardcore already. Should I work harder to prove my edge to people? Nope. You know why? Because I AIN'T ON IT!!! All I can say is don't let the sweet face fool you. That's it.
Ahhh, felt good to ramble for a bit. . .Peace, y'all.
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