Sunday, November 21, 2004

Tipper Gore

So I was watching some old footage of Tipper Gore bitchin about how she bought her daughter the Purple Rain album, and was appalled to hear the lyrics of "Darling Nikki", particularly the lines that depict her masturbating. It really got me to thinking about censorship of media, and the role of parents.

How dare parents rely on the media, and artists to protect their children? In my opinion, a person's role as a parent is to provide protection against forces that they believe are harmful to a child's development.

Art, including music, and acting is all about self expression. If you feel like singing about sex, mutilation, drugs, or whatever you are into, so be it. Parents protect your children, let the artists make their money.

I dont think a child with parents who give them love, support, and positive reinforcement have to deal with weak minded kids who imitate the imagery of violent or sexually suggestive songs.

I guess what I am trying to say is that parents should be their children's teachers, so that they do not take notes from Professor Snoop.

Damn, Darling Nikki is a sexy song...

Mornings with Mechie

As much as I dread waking up and going to school..there is one silver lining in the cloud...Usually, I have the chance to see my best friend Mechie. I cherish our mornings together, which are usually early afternoons. I get to his apartment, and we catch up on what we have missed in one another's addition to the chatter, we share a meal. I really love him, and I am glad that we have our friendship. It has endured many storms, controversy, and scandal..much like our favorite soap, Days of Our Lives. But unlike the soap, we experience happy endings all the time. We share so many details about our lives that sometimes we forgot what we have divulged. I don't think I will find another friend like him in my lifetime. Since I have realized how wonderful he is, I only hope that soon he will too.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

My First Post

Where do I start? What do I say? I wanna rant, I wanna scream. They say writing in all caps is the same as screaming, but I dont think so...I don't get that feeling of release when I leave the caps lock on. Writing what I am thinking makes me feel like Doogie Howser. I used to think he was so cool as he typed away on his I go rambling. I could do this all day, but I choose to spare myself. I'll write more in a bit....holla.